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Newborn Home Consult

Home consultation for newborns between 3-12 weeks. Wed or Sat at 10am

About this Service

Welcome to parenthood! While it's normal and expected for everyone's sleep to be disrupted in these early days and weeks, it can begin to feel more of a struggle as time goes on. I can help. With some gentle guidance and support around feeding (breast or bottle) and how to do some hands on settling with your baby, we can help your baby sleep more soundly, giving you the rest you need too. Deb has undertaken additional breastfeeding courses and can help you with common breastfeeding problems, along with advising around bottle or formula feeding. Newborn consults are suitable for newborn babies from 3 to 12 weeks old. Includes advice around setting up healthy sleep habits within a safe sleep environment, breastfeeding support and advice / or bottle feeding, naps, bedtime routines and hands on coaching how to settle your baby into their bassinet. Each newborn consultation includes: - 1.5 - 2 hour Home Visit - Recommendations based on your questionnaire - Little Sleep Coach Newborn Guide - 15 minute phone call a week after the consult

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